
Thursday 11 January 2018

UNIT 5: Working To A Brief (Research & Notes)

  1. Describe the requirements of working to your brief reference to examples.
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages to both the client and the production company?
  3. Who benefits most from your type of brief?
  4. What issues could possibly arrive from this type of brief?

Types of Briefs

Formal - written document. Technical and specific language as well as focused and in-depth: detail i.e.budget, deadlines, requirements etc. Majority of briefs are in this style.

  • The advantages to this type of brief is that there is more verbal communication between the client and the company they are employing which could mean that the media company will understand fully exactly what the client is asking of them and they should be able to complete the project to the client’s standards easily.

  • The fact that there is no written documentation or contract to prove the employment of the company could mean that at the end of the project the client could easily fail to pay their employees. Also this could mean that certain things like deadlines are not completely clear and this can cause confusion for both parties.

Informal - can be as straightforward as a chat over a drink in the pub. Non/ limited documentation. No direct contractual agreement. Non specific requirements outlined initially. Tend to be undertaken and then fleshed out at a later date.

Contractual - tasks are accepted under legal obligation (signed documentation). The clients desires and deadlines outlined must be met. Both the client and the media producer must abide by the brief.

  • The advantage OF HAVING A CONTRACTUAL BRIEF is that once the final product or piece is completed, the client who first signed the contractual brief is legally obliged to pay you the agreed rate and if they don’t you have a legal right to sue them and produce a court case against them to take actions further.

  • The disadvantage of a contract is the fact that it works both ways and if you do not produce the product/piece on time or to the standard required then they have the same authority and ability to sue you.  

Negotiated - a negotiated brief is one that is discussed and negotiated between the client and the production company, this allows for both parties to input their own ideas and come to a conclusion of which ideas are best to be used in the final product.

  • Although negotiated briefs provide the other party freedom to present ideas and make changes, the client still has most of the power and authority over the final decision. If the client is not 100% happy they will not agree to the brief and the whole thing will not work out. This is a benefit for the client as they can make it easier for themselves when it comes to payment requirements and other terms and conditions.

  • The disadvantages of a negotiated brief is the fact that the production company can try and negotiate deadlines and payments which may cause delays and take longer than any contractual brief may take. If the production company disagree with your brief entirely this may be a waste of time, money and effort for the client which is not ideal when they are interested in setting deadlines.

Cooperative - 2 or more media producers production companies working together to meet the brief. For example, film producers at different post production houses.

  • The advantages of using a cooperative brief is that by including another production company there can be a more diverse outlook on the task which will enable more ideas and creativity to the task which could result in a really happy client which is good for business. Each production company doesn’t have to stress out about not being skilled enough or qualified to do certain things which may result in an unhappy client.

  • The disadvantages could be that there is more risk of being in a disagreement with the other production company as not every company will have the same rules, regulations and ways of thinking which could cause conflict. Also the fact that the client is employing another production company to do certain tasks could mean that you might not receive as much payment as you would if you were the only production company working on it as the client will more than likely have to budget their money.

Tender - very similar to how a company might advertise for a job post, the client will advertise that they want a media product and will therefore give out a vague brief of what they want. Multiple production companies will then come up with a proposal of how much it would cost and who they would produce the product that the client desires. The client will then choose their preferred proposal and will negotiate with them to perfect it.

  • Benefits for the production company, if they were chosen out of all the other proposals and their competition, it would show that their work is clearly the best and they could earn more money from being the first choice.
  • This will benefit their CV.
  • Production company are creating your proposal - saves you a lot of time and effort.
  • production companies are applying for the job therefore you receive numerous applicants without having to travel saves money.

  • A lot of time, effort and energy into doing all the research for the task and then as you are competing with others, if your proposal doesn’t get chosen then this could be a waste of time and can potentially be a big step back as you would earn anything for the work you have done.
  • Disadvantage you have to wait around until production teams respond and send you their proposals.
  • You have no control over the time scale.

Competition - the brief is advertised to multiple media producers. The producers don’t have to pitch all the different producers create the product. The client picks which one is the best. The reward is often just the prospect of getting your project published/distributed.

  • Easy to get out there.
  • Client is able to select from multiple candidates.
  • Helps a client get their work published.

  • No candidates could show up for audition.
  • A low budget way of advertising for your brief.

Commission - a media company employs an independent company to produce a product for them on their behalf. The brief is not negotiated between the media producer and their employer/ commissioner. However the commissioner might negotiate the brief with the client. The independent company is paid and may receive royalties.

  • Client can negotiate directly with commissioner.

  • Possible constraints on independent company under the company it is working for.

This should serve as a guide.

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