
Friday 22 September 2017

UNIT 51 Brief: Page Layout and Design

1) Be able to edit and process text to meet a brief
  • Editing: selection of material; audience appeal; relevance; copy editing; proofreadingProcessing: condensing text; shortening; expanding and merging text; checking and correcting (facts, sources, accuracy, balance); correcting writing style, eg spelling, grammar, punctuation, clarity, style, type size, line length
2) Be able to source images to meet a brief
  • Existing material: sources, eg picture libraries, image banks, own existing material; scanning; downloading; copyright; permissions
  • New material: eg illustrations, photographs, graphs, diagrams; commissioned original work; own original work
3) Be able to prepare images to meet a brief
  • Preparing images: scanning; manipulation, eg scaling, cropping, colour, effect, filters; resolution; captions
4) Be able to design and produce page layout to meet a brief
  • Design programmes: desktop publishing layout packages (use of typography, manipulation of images, manipulation of copy); web authoring packages; interactive media authoring packages; digital image processing packages; vector-based drawing packages
  • Formats: print, eg newspapers, magazines, books, leaflets, flyers, posters; electronic, eg web pages, CD ROMs
  • Conventions: layout (margins, grids, spreads, columns, datelines, titles, page numbering, orientation); allocation (placement of text, illustrations and text-breakers on the page); devices (headlines, titles, crossheads, cut-outs, straplines, base lines, rules, borders, blobs and stars, drop capitals, reverses, white space); styles (column structure, text, fonts, typography, optical balance, design style, colour, set left, centred, upper case, lower case, light, bold, italic)
  • Visual language: composition (juxtaposition, association); image construction, eg form, texture, shape, pattern, line, tone, colour; representation, eg symbols, metaphors, semiotics, connotation
  • Audiences: range of considerations, eg social status, gender, sexual orientation, peer groups, occupational, political
College Magazine Cover

Double-Page Spread

Reflective Analysis

I have received feedback from my magazine from classmates who praised the proportion of information, its neat design, the model and simplicity. However, the wish was that there would be more color to liven up the magazine's style, as well as saying that I should have added more information about the college itself and it's facilities.

Overall I'm happy with the responses and at peace with the design of my magazine. The minimalist approach with colors was my intent; still, I can see why some people would be turned off by the lack of color.

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