
Wednesday 27 September 2017

Source Material Magazine Article

  • Explore resources and discuss style and layout and its purposes for factual writing
  • Clear and formal style?
  • Unbiased?
  • Purpose of images?
  • Emotive language and appeal to audience
  • Quantity of text

Genre: Teen
Magazine: Teen Vogue

The article is a guide to anal sex, the audience being young, sexually active teens (as per the demographic of the magazine), acting as a go too for when the time comes…. You know, for sex. Of course, this means a lack of emotive language as the article need not stress matters, only to inform on the matter. Immediately we are greeted with a diagram of the penis and vagina, with the headline accompanying it.

Teen Vogue Article Headline.png

The layout and design is prominently light pink, black text, white background as well as the occasional red links to research sources, which further back up claims made in the article. This makes the factual writing much more reliable as it relies to various other sources of research. This ensures the article is unbiased, as it only means to serve as a guide and not to alter opinions on the subject.

As for the format of the text itself, it appears central and in line as if it were a leaflet. This fits well as it acts as a guide for the reader. It is a simplistic and easy to follow layout that makes sure the reader isn’t lost.

For the purpose of images, the diagram labels the various parts of the male and female human anatomy, obviously the sexual organs. This gives a more visual representation as to what teenagers will come to expect for when the real thing goes down. Quantity of written work is appropriate as the article is a guide on anal sex, and is intended to present all facts and inform the reader. Indeed, the article contains approximately 1300 words.

Purpose of Instructions

Of course, the article is a guide for sexually active teenagers who wish to experiment with anal sex. It acts as a step by step safety net that ensures both safe and satisfying sex. For example, the diagrams display the various parts of the sexual anatomy of both the male and female bodies:

Male Female Anatomy.png

For those of you with prostates, being on the receiving end of anal sex can be a great experience.

First of all: What is a prostate? The prostate is a gland near the bladder that produces prostate fluid, one of the main elements of semen. It is located just in front of the rectum and can be stimulated with a toy, fingers, or penis. It feels like a solid, small bulge.

It feels good to have the prostate stimulated. This is one of the reasons receiving anal sex when you have a prostate can be very enjoyable. You can even have a prostate-induced orgasm! “

Great info! :D

Source Material: Newspaper Article

  • Find example of newspaper article
  • Explore resource and discuss the style and layout and its purposes for factual writing
  • Clear and formal style?
  • Is it unbiased?
  • Purpose of images
  • Emotive language and appeal to audience
  • Quantity of text; appropriate?
  • Effective to getting point across
  • Eye catching
  • Quotes

Screen Shot 2017-09-27 at 9.19.25 AM.png

The article is an opinion piece by Richard Angell, a UK Labour Party support who is questioning Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn’s position on the issue of Brexit. First off we will discuss the layout.

The Guardian Website.png

The colours are predominantly blue and white, with bold text mostly being black. It is a simplistic yet iconic style that is synonymous with the mostly left-leaning news outlet. As for the text in the opinion piece articles penned by journalists, politicians or readers, the text (often drop capitals and author’s name) is orange.

Images include that of UK citizens protesting Brexit in support of the EU, which enforces the notion that the author takes a pro-EU stance. Because of this stance, the writing is indeed bias to that favour and attempts to use this as an argument. The message is clear as wrote in the headline: to get a solid stance out of Corbyn on the issue of Brexit.

Emotive language is politicized in order to get across the point of the article:

“ There is a truism in politics that “when you decide, you divide”. The row about debating Brexit openly at the Labour party conference this year has shown that this is one of the new realities facing Jeremy Corbyn, as it becomes apparent that the creative fudge that got the party through the 2017 general election won’t get Labour into government. “

This “truism” about “when you decide, you divide” is talking of how Labour must handle Brexit with its base on whatever position it talks, as it will divide no matter what. It also talks of how this reality will be a challenge for the party’s leader and his supporters, which will no doubt affect them. This also serves to effectively get the author's point across to the audience, as it demands a position from Labour, for better or for worse.

Being an political opinion piece, this article’s audience would be that who share the same opinions and views as their author i.e. get an answer out of Corbyn, pro-EU etc. The article doesn’t specifically have any quotes from individuals or groups and thus has none of this to work on.

As for how eye catching the article can be, the headline is effective as it poses a question. What is Labour’s position on Brexit? And shouldn’t their leader be telling us? People will want the answer.

Friday 22 September 2017

UNIT 51 Brief: Page Layout and Design

1) Be able to edit and process text to meet a brief
  • Editing: selection of material; audience appeal; relevance; copy editing; proofreadingProcessing: condensing text; shortening; expanding and merging text; checking and correcting (facts, sources, accuracy, balance); correcting writing style, eg spelling, grammar, punctuation, clarity, style, type size, line length
2) Be able to source images to meet a brief
  • Existing material: sources, eg picture libraries, image banks, own existing material; scanning; downloading; copyright; permissions
  • New material: eg illustrations, photographs, graphs, diagrams; commissioned original work; own original work
3) Be able to prepare images to meet a brief
  • Preparing images: scanning; manipulation, eg scaling, cropping, colour, effect, filters; resolution; captions
4) Be able to design and produce page layout to meet a brief
  • Design programmes: desktop publishing layout packages (use of typography, manipulation of images, manipulation of copy); web authoring packages; interactive media authoring packages; digital image processing packages; vector-based drawing packages
  • Formats: print, eg newspapers, magazines, books, leaflets, flyers, posters; electronic, eg web pages, CD ROMs
  • Conventions: layout (margins, grids, spreads, columns, datelines, titles, page numbering, orientation); allocation (placement of text, illustrations and text-breakers on the page); devices (headlines, titles, crossheads, cut-outs, straplines, base lines, rules, borders, blobs and stars, drop capitals, reverses, white space); styles (column structure, text, fonts, typography, optical balance, design style, colour, set left, centred, upper case, lower case, light, bold, italic)
  • Visual language: composition (juxtaposition, association); image construction, eg form, texture, shape, pattern, line, tone, colour; representation, eg symbols, metaphors, semiotics, connotation
  • Audiences: range of considerations, eg social status, gender, sexual orientation, peer groups, occupational, political
College Magazine Cover

Double-Page Spread

Reflective Analysis

I have received feedback from my magazine from classmates who praised the proportion of information, its neat design, the model and simplicity. However, the wish was that there would be more color to liven up the magazine's style, as well as saying that I should have added more information about the college itself and it's facilities.

Overall I'm happy with the responses and at peace with the design of my magazine. The minimalist approach with colors was my intent; still, I can see why some people would be turned off by the lack of color.